Tuesday 16 July 2013

Grace Wium: The Heart of the Matter

There were some birds who knew their Creator, they were known as Believers. They were bright and happy and released into a garden to sing. To sing to their Creator. To sing to the Glory of God and so they sang. Wherever they sang light and colour vibrated and intensified. Soon others joined their numbers. They flew high and far on notes from another world. Over storms and through despair and trials. Never stopping their song of love and praise to the Creator. They flew high with the same fire of passion in their eyes as that of the Savior Jesus! The beat of their song was love.

Thousands of years later the world was grayer and faster. Strangely it seemed to be becoming darker. There were more flight paths and the speed of life meant that hardly ever did birds stop and have a tweet with each other.

More birds were walking and less were flying. More birds were like chickens. Caged and chained; their spirits dead to God. Some believed that they would be reincarnated to be eagles. Some believed they had god in them and worshiped themselves, living selfish comfortable lives. Most of them not even daring to fly. Believer birds who once knew freedom were ensnared and felt as if their wings had weights on them. 

A new thought came in. No-one knows when exactly or by whom. This thought was powerful and widely influenced the believers. The very same breed of those who use to spread light and colour and hope.

The thought infiltrated the Believers lives. The thought became a tangible cord, a strong thick rope. It wrought itself strongly around the believers beaks. No song was sung.
Not that there was much time anyway.

The strategy changed from singing praises and spreading the Good news of the Savior Jesus. It changed to a new modern approach. Words such as culture and relational evangelism, actions louder than words, started to be spoken of. 'Not shoving it down another birds throat', the older style of evangelism was frowned upon and referred to as dropping bibles from the sky, bashing birds on the head as they walked past. They now hung out in cages and faked a few chains. Politeness governed this new grey, colorless world. Even the thought of starting to learn to sing praises to the King was too hard. The fastening of the beaks became stronger and stronger. Strengthened by each other, the believers pulled their cords tighter.

Other birds who didn't know Jesus, freely gave their views and opinions, chanting there religions and holding yoga parties and teaching meditation. No cord was around their beaks.

Soon a law was passed, making official the unspoken law of acceptability. Religion was a private affair and not to be shared. This did not change much, though a few crazy evangelists were locked up.

One day a bird that knew its creator and loved Jesus died young and tragically, colliding with another bird, one who did not know Jesus.

The funeral was a double. Two mourning groups of birds thronged together in tears and silence. No bird chirped about the hope they had for their friend in heaven. Twines of appropriateness held their beaks strong. Not even the knowledge that they witnessed the funeral of a bird doomed to suffering and torment caused them to open their beaks and snap the twine.

One day a bird flew higher than ever. The flight was hard as his wings were weighted, but he pushed through, thinking of Jesus, loving Him. This birds name was Michael.

Suddenly he found himself in another place. It was full of light and vivid colour! Michael was met by his friend whose funeral he had attended. They greeted each other and fluttered their special greeting. Then Michaels friend whispered in his ear.
I never told him."
"Who?" Asked Michael
I never told my friend who I collided with, that Jesus saves, his not here!"

Before Michael had time to digest this he saw birds chirping
Pauls here".
A bird that looked like a sparrow had just flown near.
"Are the same Paul as in the Bible" Michael cried out.
"Yes" the bird replied.
"Your evangelism and preaching were amazing! I wish I lived in your times, then I too could do as you did, it's not appropriate now?
 Paul threw his head back and laughed
"Do you think I would have been thrown in jail if was appropriate?"
Something that looked like sympathy was in Paul's eyes as he spoke.

A moment later Paul was gone and Moses came up and welcomed Michael. Again Michael exclaimed at the marvels Moses witnessed of the power of God demonstrated before his eyes. Then timidly he said.
It's not culturally acceptable to live as you did now.
Moses did just as Paul did, threw his head back and laughed. 
Do you think it was culturally acceptable to ask Pharaoh to let God's people go".

Michael cast down his eyes puzzled. He loved God and always wanted to live his life right before God. When Michael looked up He saw a bird who he knew was the beloved disciple of Jesus named John. Such compassion and love was in Johns eyes as he beckoned to Michael to follow him.

They flew straight to a bright light. So bright that Michael didn't know where he was going. Soon he found himself in a room. After much time Michaels eyes adjusted. He then knew he was in the heart of God. In the first chamber he saw names written of friends who were believers. After a minute John led Michael to the next chamber. In this chamber he saw names of those who had spoken of Jesus. He saw: John, Peter, Paul and many 1000s. Then he saw Jessie the evangelists name. The one who had been locked up recently after the new law was passed. After this he went to the last chamber. For the first time John spoke.

"This chamber is called. Intensely loved and longed for."
The chamber was a deep red. In this chamber names were written. Michael went closer to the sides to see the names. The dark red was made of blood that dripped from the carved out names. Michael recognized his friends who mocked Jesus, those who were not believers. Overwhelmed, Michael felt himself guided out.

He found himself at the chest of God. He heard a heartbeat. How I love them, beat the heart. How I love all the people, the word all echoed in Paul's ears. Then he heard familiar words flow all around him. The great commission to go and tell the good news, John 3:16, For God so loved the world Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, proclaim the goodness of God, speak of His wonders, Faith comes by hearing, how will they believe if they do not hear. Take up your cross, deny yourself and follow Me. You are my witnesses, to the ends of the earth. Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul, but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both the soul and the body in HellWhoever confesses Me before men, him will I confess before My Father, but if you deny me before men I will deny you before My Father in Heaven. Whoever calls one the Lord will be saved. Repentance and remission of sin should be preached to all nations.

As each word came into Michaels heart a thread of the rope snapped from around his beak. Then the rope around his feet was cut- Michael was reminded of the verse to cast off the sin that so easily entangles. Lastly Michael found weights start to fall off his wings. As the weights started to fall all the moments that he had lived just for himself appeared in an instance before His eyes. Michael then felt a song of love deposited into his heart. This song was the gospel and gave glory and praise to God. Michael started to weep. And then the last cord snapped. Condemnation and guilt were broken by the Lord himself.

As Michael started to descend back to earth He was amazed at the joy and strength he had. He then saw a great host of birds watching him and silently cheering Him on as He went forth to sing his song. Songs of mercy and favor flowing from the greatest Love Song ever sung.

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